Summer Meal Prep Guide Update


It's been a whirlwind of a month, but luckily I've been able to peel away from time to time to work on the Summer Meal Prep Guide! It's almost done. If you haven't signed up for notifications when it's ready for download, fill out the form on this page!

It's already AUGUST, which is complete madness, which means yes, the majority of summer is over. But as my mom recently said - just because kids are going to school, that does not mean my summer is over.

Amen, sister. In my eyes, it's not fall until I actually pull my sweaters out and see regular season football on TV.  Until then - it's summer. These 20+ recipes in this guide will carry you well into the fall, with seasonal ingredients like zucchini, tomatoes, baby potatoes, bell peppers, and more.

It should be here very soon! Click "Keep Me Posted" to receive a notification when the ebook is ready for download!

FoodMaja Majewski